Monday, September 4, 2017

James Damore, Population Distributions, and DACA

This post was inspired by Vox Day's book: Cuckservative: How "Conservatives" Betrayed America

Cuckservative is a Must Read

Fate it would seem led me to read Vox Day's book right when God Emperor Trump announced plans to end DACA (also known as The Dreamer's Program). The book explains the dangers of mass immigration from an economic, historical, and theological perspective. I cannot recommend this book enough to get a thorough understanding of how immigration policy has a lasting impact on a nation.

I mentioned in a previous post that I see immigration the same way I see titration in Chemistry.

The immigration of one solution to another

In a titration, the effects from one solution to another are not readily apparent.
A slow drip introduction of migrants is not noticeable at first. But with enough time, you end up dramatically changing the country to the point where you don't even recognize your own country. A culture and a country is determined by the individuals in the country. If you completely replace the individuals, you completely replace the country.

Human Biodiversity

Cuckservative got me thinking about James Damore and Google. You can read about James Damore's Google Manifesto here: Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber. What is funny/sad about the criticisms of the manifesto are that many of the critics have a poor/nonexistent understanding of statistics. They view the world in a binary fashion and cannot see distributions of people. If you do not understand averages, normal distribution, and standard deviation (basic statistics) please turn away now.

James talks about how biological differences between men and women lead to different population distributions and outcomes in tech. The same ideas of biological differences and population distributions can be applied to societies around the world. One topic Vox Day discusses in Cuckservative is human biodiversity.

Different races have different physical features. Some of the most apparent are melanin and skin tone. There are also subtle differences in bone density, limb length, and musculature makeup. Based on this information, is it any surprise then that certain nations seem to dominate particular sports in the Olympics?

Now we get into more controversial topics of biodiversity. There are differences in intelligence and in aggression among races. There is a strong correlation with intelligence and income. Monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA) is known as the "warrior gene". The level of expression of this gene determines the level of aggression in response to provocation and this level of expression differences among races.

Higher levels of aggression were also associated with violence and crime. Now think about some stereotypes, crime statistics, income distributions and you can see why this is a controversial topic. In addition, these differences explain how different cultures resolve conflict. Some resolve through words, some resolve through fists and guns. Our US foreign policy has a misguided belief in egalitarianism. After all, we are all equal right? The "experts" believe all cultures should resolve differences the same way. And that is why our foreign policy is a mess.

These differences blow apart the narrative that differences in outcome among races is due to nurture and not nature. A very under-reported piece of legislation is the 1965 Immigration Act. This law removed quotas based on national and thus removed racial barriers of entry to the US. As a result, predominantly European immigrants were replaced with non-European immigrants. Egalitarianism often has the misguided assumption that migrants from one nation can replace existing citizens with no unintended consequences. If human biodiversity has taught us anything, populations are very much not equal and have very drastic differences in outcome.

Pick up Vox Day's book to learn more about the unintended consequences. Once you read this book, you begin to understand why Trump is so popular with his stricter stances on immigration.

Entrepreneurs and IQ

I am paraphrasing Jordan Peterson, but he has mentioned that the correlation between IQ and income is so strong, it can't be ignored. In other words, if we're going to have an honest conversation about anything related to population income, we need to factor in intelligence. I was looking up data for correlations between IQ and income and found this post: The incredible correlation between IQ & income. One chart that struck out immediately was a near perfect correlation between average IQ and median financial success in terms of a normalized Z score.

 Average IQ on the Y axis, median financial success on the X axis as normalized Z scores

Simply put, a normalized Z score is a standard deviation. 1 standard deviation of IQ is enough to be in the 2 standard deviation income range. The 85th percentile in intelligence (IQ ~115) can have the 98th percentile of wealth (be among the top 2%). 

Standard Deviations and Z scores

Roughly speaking, Pareto distribution tells us that 80% of the population will be the workers while 20% will be the entrepreneurs who hire the workers. Simple economics tells us that if you increase the supply of workers without increasing the demand for workers (entrepreneurs hiring workers), wages will go down. It will cost less to hire a worker because there is a surplus of workers.

Apply that to immigration. Are the immigration policies discriminatory enough to distinguish between people who will create jobs vs people who will take jobs? We have seen strong evidence that a certain level of intelligence is needed for entrepreneurship. Here is a list of countries by average IQ

Hong Kong 108
Singapore 108
China 105
Mexico 88
Iraq 87
Syria 83
Algeria 83
El Salvador 80

Is it no surprise that countries with higher average IQs have more business opportunities and stronger economies? The smart entrepreneurs drive the production. In the past, the US Army had IQ tests to restrict entry to the army if IQ was less than 83. It was determined at that point, it cost too much to teach the person to obey orders and be an able-bodied functioning member of the US military. What percentage of people from Latin America and the Middle East will be entrepreneurs and create jobs? How many will be workers taking jobs away? Even worse, how many will be productive members of society?

Asians and Jews for thousands of years emphasized education. Stefan Molyneux talked about race and IQ on one of his shows. He brought up the point that Jews could increase the IQ of a generation by a third of an IQ point. Continue to do this over thousands of years and the results are apparent for both Asians and Jews.

Even if you imported only high IQ people, guess how Asians and Jews vote? The mentality of FU to authority (see Magna Carta and Henry VIII) and is a rather English phenomenon.

2016 Exit Polls

Immigration must be tightly controlled to maintain the health of a nation. Different cultures have different values. If an immigrant refuses to adopt the cultures of the host country, conflict is inevitable if the cultures are not compatible. As much as we would like to believe culture is a social construct, genetic expressions of personality traits disagree. "Genes hold culture on a leash"

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