Sunday, August 6, 2017

An Aha! Moment: Male-Female Dynamics

The Evolution of Cooperation

You've probably heard the phrase: "The strong survive, and the weak perish". If you think about this phrase for a bit, hopefully some questions pop up. A big question is, "How does cooperation come to play if only the strong survive?" The phrase gives the appearance of a zero-sum game. For me to win, you have to lose. But capitalism has clearly shown us in the economic realm that zero-sum games are not the best strategy. The resource pot can grow. The sum is greater than the parts.

Enter Jordan Peterson. His lectures have shown the zero-sum game is also not the best strategy in biology. Chimps and wolves are social creatures. They have a hierarchy. Having the strongest, most vicious chimp leads to a very unstable hierarchy. He may be the strongest, but 2 weaker chimps can team up and tear down the tyrant. So we see how cooperation in the animal kingdom is a better strategy than simply the strongest wins. Please go listen to his lectures to learn more about how the ancient wisdom of the past can apply to your life today.

Enter Maximus, Pat, and Mark. I heard about Pat (The Dynamic Man) through Mark's awesome podcast. The fact that Mark is an introvert and can pump out podcasts is very inspiring to me (I'm probably INTJ, but I haven't confirmed that). These three have inspired me to write this post.

Let's start with the zero-sum game for Male-Female dynamics. For males to win, females must lose and vice versa. But studies have shown strong strong evidence that children thrive in a 2 parent household. If men and women are battling each other, why do children need 2 parents? We are beginning to see the next step in the Red Pill evolution. Often times RP advice has centered around hooking up with chicks. Alpha fucks and beta bucks is a common phrase. However, Western Civilization was not built on fucking around (pun intended). Families need to exist to keep the species going. Enter pro-family, pro-fatherhood advice. The missing key in the masculinity advice.

Maximus Must Read

Maximus does a great job explaining how we must treat female nature with compassion. A woman is a reflection of a man.
"Honesty. Integrity. Can't be bought. Knew how life was to be lived. (Speaking the truth.) Lived it. Never apologized and never had to because Bogart... was a Man, capital M. He loved and respected women because he loved and respected himself."
The patriarchy means men are the drivers. If a woman does not see a man treating himself with respect and being virtuous, why should she be respectful and virtuous? The process starts with YOU and personal responsibility. In addition, when a woman breaks your heart, a man must know "how to process and integrate that emotional pain to become a better Man". Processing does not involve a drug and pussy rampage.

Pat Stedman Must Read

As I mentioned before, I heard about Pat through Mark. Mark has had some great guests on and has covered a wide range of topics that are important in every man's life. Topics include fitness, women, parenting, and financial freedom.

Like Jordan Peterson, Pat gave me another Aha! moment. Not surprisingly, Carl Jung makes an appearance in Pat's post (Jordan talks about Jung a lot as well). I had been reading about red pill advice for some time now, but my gut was telling me that some piece was missing. The maturation from a boy to a man involves a couple of steps. A first love is a big step. A first bad breakup is another. A period of pussy slaying may also be an important step (numbers may vary). The missing piece is how do we go from playboy to family man. Western Civilization needs the family structure. What do we know from an evolutionary standpoint that can give us clues into how families formed?
"In order for society to function, there needs to be an equilibrium — and it’s achieved not simply when the genders reach an agreement with each other to compromise on their own sexual strategies, but when they work together to stop other members in their own gender from sexually dominating."
If you have not read "The Art of the Deal" by Trump go get it. The best deals are when both sides get something out of the negotiation. Remember, the zero-sum game is sub-optimal. If men and women both get something out of the marriage, this is the best result. And negotiation requires compromises. But important note, you cannot compromise your integrity (living your truth). I'm going to add to Pat's paradox. Compromise would appear to mean give up a piece of your integrity. We have to be careful not to confuse integrity with ego. To be rigid and unflinching with zealous ideology is a zero-sum game. To beat this point across, in a zero-sum game, you "lose" if you believe you are compromising. Faith and trust in something greater than yourself can produce amazing results (like a beautiful family beyond imagination).

Perceiving the world through a zero-sum game puts a finite cap on the possibilities. Living life through the lens of a "positive sum game" (win-win) yields infinite possibility. Because the results often are beyond our wildest dreams. The family unit is the building block of a community. A community with a common culture is the building block of a civilization. Not surprising, each level requires integrity, trust, and a belief in striving towards a higher calling (something beyond yourself).

Jordan Peterson Twitter
Maximus Twitter
Pat Stedman Twitter
Mark Baxter Twitter
Mark Baxter Podcast

Note: None of these guys have paid me to promote their material. I just really like their material. And the fact I'm seeing all of this great material in the span of a couple of a couple of months tells me a Masculine Reconnaissance is about to hit. And it will be glorious. Strength and honor brothers.

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