Sunday, November 26, 2017

Become Comfortable with Paradoxes

Arguing Over a Paradox

Life is a Paradox

Happy Birthday Mike Cernovich. He recently wrote an excellent reflection post: 40 Principles to Live By on my 40th Birthday. It reminded me of Ed Latimore's post: 30 lessons from 30 years of life. If you followed the advice from both lists, it would be impossible not to become successful in life. Mike's principle about paradoxes really stood out for me.
3. Become comfortable with paradoxes... Get used to holding simultaneously contradictory thoughts.
I like the setup with Mike's post. He first gives you two contradictory principles, and then tells you to deal with it. You are the most important person in your life, but at the same time you must surrender feelings of self-importance. There is a sweet spot for getting what you want without coming from a place of neediness or weakness. That is the Zen-like state.

It reminds me of Ivan Throne's Ninth Law: "The Ninth Law is No Laws". No laws means "unbounded freedom of infinite possibility". Ivan goes into detail 8 Laws to abide by and in the end blows everything up with his Ninth Law. It is a paradox, but the laws are powerful stuff. Go buy a copy of Ivan's book here.

Understanding Nuance and Subtlety

As a bonus, Mike did a podcast episode with Stefan Molyneux and goes over the principles in further detail. Watch it here. In his talk with Stefan, he brings up some more sayings.
Don't sweat the small stuff
The devil is in the details
Think big, Start small
If we use the Pareto Principle, 80% of what you worry about it will never happen so don't sweat that small stuff. However, 20% is worth noting. So the devil is in the details. The important small items are necessary to start if you want to achieve big things. Experience teaches you what is important and what isn't. In addition, experience teaches you that life is less binary and more nuanced. Nuance and subtlety are small stuff yet determine big outcomes. Life is one big paradox.

Nuance and subtlety play nicely into Mike's 4th Principle
4. Look for the sentiment expressed by a person rather than the literal truth. 
If you took what Trump said literally, you would go insane. This is actually happening with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Scott Adams does a good job talking about the cognitive dissonance that creates Trump Derangement Syndrome. Watch the interview Dave Rubin has with Scott Adams here.

The idea of sentiment is something Scott also talks about. Trump's statements often are correct in the sense of a broader direction he wants to move the country towards. Even if the details or "facts" Trump uses are not accurate. To learn more about persuasion and why facts don't matter, get your copy of Scott Adams Win Bigly here. Facts don't matter, yet some facts do matter. Just another paradox.

Subtlety is why two seemly contradictory statements can both be correct. Scott in a recent Periscope argued that both Trump and Time are correct. Trump argued that he was probably going to be Time's Person of the Year. Time responded that Trump's statement is incorrect. A news article involves both a writing editor and a photo editor working separately to get material. The photo editor does not have all the information on why he needs a photo shoot with the President. As a result he may have used some hyperbole (much like how Trump uses "Truthful Hyperbole") to get a photo shoot with the President.

What is Authenticity?

You often hear a phrase, be yourself. But what exactly is that? And can you view yourself in isolation? Here comes another paradox.
5. You are the product of your habits and your friends and family.
It is impossible to completely be yourself. Because we are social creatures, we are influenced by the people around us. Hunter Drew understands this very well as a father. His kids look to him for guidance and copy his habits. This is why a tip to success is being around successful people. As kids, we learn through imitation, and this does not change in adulthood. We pick up the habits of those we spend the most time with. Actions not words (Acta non verba) are persuasive. Leaders cannot expect to have their followers perform an action if they do not do said action themselves. This apples to business and families.

Don't be bossy, be a leader

Hypocrisy is considered a negative. In some ways, hypocrisy is just basic normie tier criticism. You have to be willing to challenge long held beliefs in yourself and change. Dr. Jordan Peterson mentioned that most of our long held beliefs must be let go.
"The truth is something that burns, it burns off deadwood and people don't like having their deadwood burnt off often because they're 95% deadwood"
I follow people who block each other on Twitter. They have opposing views. I follow critics of Mike Cernovich. I follow critics of Rollo Tomassi. But that does not mean I follow everybody. There is no point following those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. That mental instability will poison you. You want to see as complete of a picture as possible on how to view the world.

Your core group should be compatible with you on the broad issues. But it should not be Yes men. Do you want clones or do you want friends? You don't want an echo chamber. However, you need to filter out noise that is destructive. I have no use for Antifa Leftists or Nazi LARPers (which may just be controlled opposition used by the Left).

Here's something that'll blow your mind. The human body contains trillions of microorganisms that outnumber human cells 10 to 1. Most of you isn't even you. Did you know gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine? That's right, Gut flora influence mood. This brings us to Mike's next principle
6. If you have the choice, be as fit and healthy as possible. 
So what is authenticity then? An authentic self would have a solid frame. Authenticity is a strong foundation that can withstand mother nature's chaos. This is why authenticity is so attractive. The chaotic wilderness is unforgiving and full of danger. A strong sense of self provides security and stability. It is the nucleus holding the core of your being. Atoms, cells, families, communities, countries, solar systems. All depend on a core foundation. Authenticity is the tree trunk and roots that can support the tree house of civilization. It is the consistency living by a set of virtues and principles. The tree house changes, and you must adapt to changing environments. But the foundation remains constant.

Wisdom of the Ancients

Dr. Jordan Peterson does a great job taking the wisdom of the ancients, explaining the psychological significance of that wisdom, and then showing us a road map of how to use that wisdom to help better ourselves. And the wisdom comes from all different civilizations like Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and Biblical times. One of my favorite Dr. Jordan Peterson quotes involves the balance between order and chaos.
If you live your life properly you stand with one foot in order and one foot in chaos
Life is a paradox with a constant tension between two modes. Order and chaos. Yin and yang. Construction and destruction. Logic and emotion. Masculine and feminine. These ideas have been talked about for as long as humans have been around.

General Mattis said it best
Ultimately, a real understanding of history means that we face nothing new under the sun
If you think of life as a simulation, there have been enough iterations of generations to understand how to live a meaningful life. And there have been enough iterations to make some accurate predictions on how people react to stimuli. Reading old texts is vital to understanding the world. Or like Mike would say in his 7th principle.
7. Read old books to understand the news. 

Leave Her Better than You Found Her

There is a startling graph that would lend to the argument against premarital sex.

Number of Partners Matters

If you want to learn more about intersexual dynamics, pick up Rollo Tomassi's The Rationale Male book series here. If you want to know why women go from party years, to marriage and kids, to divorce, read his stuff. You'll understand and see The Matrix you live in. Bad habits eventually become chains that imprison you and are very hard to break. In this case, female sexual promiscuity is a major red flag. Why would a woman be faithful to a man if she keeps looking around for the next fling?

But this leads to an interesting question. If a woman's count is a major red flag, as a man, how do I have fun with flings while not contributing to this problem? And I believe the number of partners also matters in guys although the range may be higher. There are countless examples of pick-up artists who get burnt out from too much pussy and never understand how to have a relationship with someone. There can always be too much of a good thing.

Mike talks about this in his 8th Principle
8. Seek meaning and fulfillment, not pleasure.
Go have fun, but know there will come a point to leave the game. I think the Boy Scout rule applies here. Leave her better than you found her. If she is a good person, don't damage her so that she'll become jaded. And if she's not a good person, maybe she needs some form of punishment that will set her straight. Once again, I believe the ancients understood female nature and how to deal with it.

A Physics Paradox

I'll close by showing you how even physics has paradoxes. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that you can never simultaneously know the exact position and the exact speed of a particle. The more accurately we know one of these values, the less accurately we know the other. It's as if there is an opportunity cost to obtain one measurement over another.

You may have heard about Einstein's quest for a unified theory. Classical physics and quantum physics currently do not work together. This is because classical physics is deterministic and quantum physics is probabilistic. While we can predict the future with classical physics, we have no such luck with quantum. We only have probabilities of outcome. Yet somehow they have to work together, because our universe consists of atomic particles and galaxies.

Apply this to life. Understand when facts matter and when they do not. If the fact can be accurately measured and reproduced, chances are you are dealing with a deterministic outcome. Other times, you may be dealing with probabilities. And consistent effort towards a specific outcome is needed to get the probability as close to 1.

Overcome the Static Friction

The energy required to overcome this static friction is greater than your ability to sprint for a week and achieve a result. There's a reason behind the saying life is a marathon not a sprint. Consistency over a long period of time creates enough momentum to break through the barrier to success. Once the barrier is broken, it becomes much easier to maintain success.  I wrote about other life lessons derived from physics here.

Final disclaimer: None of the people I referenced came to me and asked that I market their material. Their material is just that good that everyone needs to read/watch/listen to it. Also, this is the main group of people I follow to get my world view and stay up to date on current events. Also, don't listen to me, figure it out for yourself. Listen to me, but don't listen to me. One final paradox.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Goldmund Unleashed - The Pursuit of Pure Works of Art

Female Nature

A big reason I enjoy hearing Dr. Peterson's lectures is because he takes many cultures, works of art, and literary pieces and mashes them together. He finds the patterns that connect them all together. This is his art form. Digesting information in a manner that can instruct others to do the same. These blog posts are my attempt to do the same thing. Take different experiences, mash them together, and see the underlying patterns. Those are the insights, the tiny nuggets of gold.

I have gotten to learn about the psychology behind famous stories thanks to Dr. Jordan Peterson. I love how he illustrates the archetypes that make up a story. One of the earliest known written languages comes from Mesopotamia during the Bronze Age. There is a Mesopotamian creation story about a god who slays a dragon and creates Earth from the remains. Marduk is the god who defeats Tiamat. She symbolizes primordial chaos.

This motif shows up time and time again across many civilizations. The hero ventures into the unknown (the primoridal chaos), defeats a monster (dragon), and reaps the treasure. Beowulf and the Hobbit come to mind. In addition, humans were speaking long before writing. It is not a stretch to imagine this story framework being as old as humanity itself. The archetypes are patterns of behavior that have been distilled over countless generations. These are the building blocks for our most popular modern stories.

Female nature, mother nature, the feminine spirit represents chaos. Note chaos is amoral, neither good nor bad. Mother nature has the capacity to create or destroy civilizations. A fertile land brings life. But hurricanes, volcanoes, and droughts can wipe out life. The Oedipal Mother is an example of destructive female nature. It is the pathological protection of a child to the point of destroying a child's sense of self sufficiency.

Sleeping Beauty is one example of the Oedipal Mother. Princess Aurora is so sheltered that she is completely unprepared for life and falls into a coma. In Hansel and Gretel, the witch coddles and fattens up Hansel before attempting to eat him. When Dr. Peterson talked about the Oedipal Mother, it hit me hard because that was my childhood. But my story is not unique. Without a balancing masculine presence, many kids grow up with overprotective mothers.

There is a silver lining to this. Dr. Peterson talked about the story of Jacob from the Bible. Jacob is not a hero to begin with. He's a mamma's boy that does what his mother tells him to do. And he betray's his older brother. Despite all of this, he redeems himself and becomes the father of the nation of Israel. One thing Dr. Peterson said that I really enjoyed hearing, "The genius is in the resolution. The precondition of the genius is the dissolution". There must be a period of mental struggle before the solution comes. The mentors and older brother figures I look up to have gone through a period of struggle.

This brings me to one brother figure, Goldmund, who I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with at the 21 Convention. You can read about my thoughts on the 21 Convention here. He models his life after the character Goldmund from the novel Narcissus and Goldmund. Looking back, I can clearly see the female archetypes being played out in this novel. A couple of things really struck me from reading this novel. These are mild spoilers.

In the novel, Goldmund states that often times a woman can display conflicting emotions. He notices how pain and pleasure produce the same lines on a woman's face. To expand on this conflict, women seek a man who brings both joy and fear to her soul. Love in the midst of danger is a woman's kryptonite. In addition, a true work of art is not static. The object produces the whole spectrum of human emotion. As a result, there is a sense of mystery in the piece. Looking at it multiple times can generate different reactions. Finally, Goldmund's thoughts on a mother consist of both birth and death. Mother nature both creates and destroys.

Goldmund, the real life person, has also written a couple books himself. I read Go Forth and got to learn more about female nature. The big thing women look for is passion. And I think this passion is the result of a man's fighting spirit. A quote from the book:
If you observe all of the major mammals, the male is always the one pursuing the female. She is testing his genes, asking: does he have the willpower and determination to get what he wants? Is he strong and confident enough to reach his goal? If so, she accepts his DNA.
There was also a warning to women. "The educated ones who remain single until their late twenties ended up miserable and with men who are poor mates".

Another book, The Man From Brooklyn, offers a female perspective on what she thought of Goldmund. One piece of advice she gave, "Don't abuse this, but women are incredibly patient with a man they are in love with." One more quote further illustrates the yin yang nature of women. "Women will resist your efforts of sex, but then they will do everything in their power to keep you around."

Goldmund is in the pursuit of his own true work of art. There is a constant swirl of various emotions beneath the surface which I think you can see in his face. His smile is warm and open, yet at the same time there is a hint of melancholy eyes. Because the true artist hates being typecast, I have a feeling Goldmund began his metamorphosis because he felt he was becoming too associated with the Indiana Jones theme.

I recommend you read Narcissus and Goldmund and then read Go Forth and The Man From Brooklyn. You'll better appreciate the richness of Goldmund's stories and also get a better sense of how Goldmund thinks. I also wonder, since he is modeling his life after the character Goldmund, is he willing to meet the same fate that Goldmund faced...

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Molyneux Paradox and Becoming Irrationally Rational

Captain John Parker

A Clash of Reason and Persuasion

Stefan Molyneux interviewed Scott Adams on his new book "Win Bigly". You can see the enlightening interview here. I have read about a third of Win Bigly and have thoroughly enjoyed it so far. Much of what I write in this post has been influenced by this book. In other words, Scott has been very persuasive in getting me to think about persuasion.

I highly recommend listening to these two intellectual giants. For those who don't know, Stefan Molyneux is a philosopher whose mission is to spread the ideas of liberty, reason, and evidence. The more rational people are, the better it is for individual freedom. Stefan is able to persuade the audience to think more logically through the clever use of humor, visualizations, and analogies.

It may appear to be a clash of two ideas having these two guys meet. The subtitle for Win Bigly is Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don't Matter. I argue that Stefan's mission falls in line with Scott Adams argument that facts don't matter. Stefan believes that the world can become more logical despite the world being highly illogical. Is this an irrational belief? I'll talk about The Molyneux Paradox later on.

Why Our Sense of Reality is Limited

Did you know we can only sense 4% of the universe? The other 96% is made of dark energy and dark matter. We can't even detect it. Senses vary between species. Dogs cannot see as many colors as we can. Bees can see UV light. Even our sight has blind spots. To compensate, the brain takes a best guess and fills in the holes. This is why optical illusions can exist. To learn more you can read this article, Your brain is a liar and can’t be trusted.

Scott Adams consistently said that Trump would win in a landslide. Mike Cernovich also correctly predicted a Trump victory, but believed it would be close. Who was right? Actually both had a point. If you just looked at electoral votes, it was a landslide. Point to Scott. On the other hand, the background states were decided on the slimmest of margins. A few thousands vote swing in a couple states would have led to a different election result. Point to Mike.

There is the faulty assumption that the absence of evidence is the evidence of absence. Problem is, "facts" are often up to interpretation. Whoever can present certain "facts" better wins. In addition, if our senses are limited and our instruments can only measure so much, how can we really be sure of reality? Maybe there are forces beyond our comprehension at play.

Persuasion in Engineering

Even in the tech and engineering world, persuasion is occurring. I forget where I heard about Professor Bob Metcalfe. It may have been Scott Adams as well, but maybe I'm just hallucinating ðŸ˜‰. You can read the following article to learn more about Metcalfe persuading the community to adapt to his Ethernet standards.
The main reason Ethernet - which in its quarter-century has accelerated from 3 megabits to 1 gigabit per second - prevailed over competing technologies like IBM's Token Ring is because of Metcalfe's toughness and charisma. He invented Ethernet, but he also made sure it became an open standard.
Notice how there were competing technologies. I'm sure these solutions were just as technically viable as Metcalfe's Ethernet. As you can see, our ability to gather enough facts to make an informed decision is limited even in the engineering world. It came down to toughness, leadership, and charisma for the final push.

The Molyneux Paradox

I've come up with the term The Molyneux Paradox. It is the irrational belief in rationality. It is a subset of a more general idea: Irrational Self Confidence, a term I picked up from Hunter Drew. Stefan's goal is to make the world more rational. He's an entrepreneur, and entrepreneurship is a perfect illustration of irrational self confidence. No one will believe more in the idea than the creator of the idea. The entrepreneur must be irrational enough to believe he can make a dent in the universe and persuade enough people to join his mission. Thus the Molyneux Paradox. Stefan must be irrational enough to believe in his mission that humanity can become more rational.

Irrational Self Confidence

Trump has an irrational belief in himself. Critics will call it narcissism. Supporters will call it a fighting spirit. Regardless, his positive thinking has led to remarkable achievements. The most recent being elected President of the United States. For someone with no previous political positions, Trump had to be irrationally confident in his abilities to win the presidency.

Anthony Johnson created the 21 Convention when he was 17. Everybody thought he was crazy. He had zero business experience and no money. But he had irrational self confidence, and he figured out how to make it work. This year he celebrated the 10 Year Anniversary of the 21 Convention, and I had the honor of meeting him in person. The 21 Convention has been held all over the globe and people from all over the globe come to attend the event. Belief in your mission is powerful stuff.

The Need for Standards

Another way to think about The Molyneux Paradox: You have to be irrationally rational. The rational part of you comes from holding yourself to a measurable standard. The irrational part of you continues to fight for that standard despite the world throwing obstacles in your way. Having accurate, measurable standards allows you to improve. Having irrational tenacity maintains that improvement.

On a macro level, empirical standards make things more efficient and reduces redundancies. We have particular standards for power lines and water systems so that we don't clutter communities with multiple lines and pipes. The same Ethernet cord standards are used internationally. This allows for seamless communication between nodes in a network. For things we can measure, we have empirical standards. Muh roads have a consistent width, wires come in particular gauges, etc.

But as I stated before, our measurements of reality are limited. On a macro level, we must be irrational and believe in a generally agreed upon set of standards to lay the foundation for civilization. Interactions between populations of humans are incredibly complex. And feelings are a terrible measurement due to our cognitive dissonances and confirmation biases.

This is why religion was invented. The Biblical standard provides a general template on how to treat others. This ethical foundation frees up brainpower to focus on positive creative endeavors. Having faith in the framework despite not knowing exactly why it works still leads to positive results. Parents give their kids guidance. The kid may not understand why it works until later in life. But that guidance is essential for proper development. A coach implements a new system. The players may not fully understand why it works until later in the season, but faith in the system and proper execution yields positive results.

Setting up a positive standard for yourself and taking actions within a system you've set up can lead to powerful transformations. Read Scott Adam's other book "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" to see a perfect example of this. A math example helps illustrate this point.

Become a Gravitational Constant

Position, Velocity, Acceleration

Here are three graphs. The left is position. The center is velocity. And the right is acceleration. Let's pretend that your position represents your quality of life. You've hit a rough patch and life is sucking hard. It feels like you are in free fall. People often only see your position and your velocity. "Boy, his position in life is still getting worse and he's still moving backwards"

But upon further inspection, you see that while the movement is backwards, the rate is not as negative as before. There is a slight improvement despite life still going the wrong way. Pretty soon, the crash hits bottom and life begins to bounce back. This is one big metaphor. Your force in this world depends on the strength of your vision or what direction you want to go. Your direction is your acceleration. Actions you take towards your direction are a positive acceleration.

The acceleration may be tiny. But as the graph shows, constant acceleration aka consistency in your actions is key to turning your life around. In fact, it can turn your life around and soon skyrocket your life to new heights. If you maintain your constant acceleration long enough, others will soon emulate you. You become a gravitational constant. And you have the confidence knowing that any future setbacks are temporary. A constant positive acceleration will turn dips back into positive outcomes.

Scott Adams mentioned that Trump got people thinking in his direction, even if his facts were wrong. Trump has an enormous gravitational pull. Even if critics think he's wrong, they eventually begin discussing things on his terms. The Wall seems inevitable now even though it was viewed as a joke when Trump first ran.

Be irrationally confident and stand up for your standards. Don't engage in a fight unless the enemy wishes to fight. And if the war must come, becoming irrationally savage. That is how you Win Bigly.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

A Hero's Journey: The 21 Convention 10 Year Anniversary

10 Years Later

Anthony and I were born in 1988. I grew up to a virtually absentee father and a controlling feminist mother. No need to dwell on the details, many people have a similar story as me. Those of you who understand know that relationships do not come easily when you begin your adulthood journey.

In early 2009, I was under 21 and the question began obsessing in my mind. What do women want? A Google search revealed two things that caught my attention. One was David DeAngelo's Double Your Dating. The other was The Under 21 Convention. It looks like someone else my age had similar questions.

What a ride Anthony

What blew me away was how a kid my age could organize such an event. Not only that, give away the content for free. I was expecting some marketing ploy that would tease you the content and then keep it behind a paywall. Anthony is definitely self-concerned. What you get from the 21 Convention is a reflection of what interests Anthony at the time. But Anthony also has a big heart as he shared with me his interests through the upload of all these videos from the event.

Steve Mayeda (known as El Topo at the time), Nick Sparks, and James Marshall really stood out as speakers talking about sexuality and dating at the 21 Convention. As time went on, I got to see his tastes evolve. Anthony got flak for daring to expand his event to include more topics beyond pickup and game. But for me, I could not get enough. I remember getting Dr. Doug McGuff's Body by Science book. I also remember exploring Paleo after seeing Mark Sisson.

Anthony then began exploring political philosophy, so I began reading up on Ron Paul and the ideas of Austrian economics. Maybe it was the combination of the 2012 election and the harsh breakup of the girlfriend at the time that made me open to The Red Pill. The idea that the world wasn't the way I had been led to believe. I noticed the girlfriend go from warm to cold in an instant as soon as I was unemployed. It seemed love through thick and thin was only a masculine quality. That's where the Rational Male and Rollo Tomassi entered my life. I was hooked to that site.
"Why do my eyes hurt? ...You’ve never used them before"
My all time favorite Rational Male post is The Medium is the Message. It cuts straight to the point about when women send mixed signals. That mixed signal is the message itself. That means you are not her top priority. If she really wants you, she will make damn sure you are not confused by her message. No longer did I have to obsess and over-analyze the meaning of the mixed signal. The message was loud and clear now, she's not that interested.

Alan Roger Currie was a speaker for The 21 Convention 10 Year Anniversary and showed me a wonderful contrast to the mixed message. If the feminine is passive and signals mixed messages, the masculine is aggressive and signals explicit messages. Alan is a firm believer of NOT beating around the bush and getting straight to the bush. Because his time is valuable, he does not want to waste time going after a woman who's not interested. He wants to get the yes or no response as soon as possible.

I remember another phrase from Rollo. "Women should only ever be a compliment to a man’s life, never the focus of it." Which got me thinking what is my purpose in life? What am I striving for? Cue Dr. Jordan Peterson. His lectures blew away the arguments for nihilism. Life may be suffering, but embracing that challenge can lead to great things. Not only that, his lectures made me appreciate ancient texts and elders more. He made the Bible relatable on a psychological level. Elder wisdom is crucially important to maintain civilization. Much easier to maintain something than rebuild something when everything falls apart. Dr. Peterson often remarks that what he says is not revolutionary, it just puts into words what we all feel in our gut. His lectures have indeed triggered a very visceral reaction.

If you didn't know, we only can observe 4% of the universe. The rest of reality consists of dark matter and energy. I believe the same concept applies to our mind. Our conscious thoughts only consist of a small portion of our mind. Our "instinct", our subconscious, our unconscious make up the majority of our mind. The ancients often talk about the Way or the Path. I believe our instincts know the Way and we need to learn to trust and develop that instinct. Clearly not science, but honestly Hunter Drew said it best. You have to be irrationally confident in yourself to make it in this world.

The combination of  Rollo's new book, Positive Masculinity, the fact that he'd be in the 21 Convention, the fact that there would be multiple married men speaking (like Hunter), and it being the 10 Year Anniversary... I couldn't miss this event. There were so many wise elders to gain knowledge from. Particularly knowledge on raising a family right. More than half the speakers either have a kid and/or are married! Not only that, you could finally put faces to those in the virtual manosphere. This event showed us how connected we truly are. While the mainstream media seeks to isolate Red Pill views, this event strengthens the bonds between us warriors.
"Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie"
I eventually want to have a family. I want to continue my lineage and leave this world better for my children. Which is why I loved Socrates speech. He covered understanding biological imperatives in men and women to do relationships and family the right way. It was a hell of a speech for the first day of the 21 Convention. He opened the event with a bang. I remember seeing the eyes of the security guard at the event. It was like he saw Jesus, it was that inspiring.
"People rise to the standard you accept"
Speaking of inspiring, I need to talk about Hunter Drew, also known as The Family Alpha. His talk got a standing ovation. Honestly, if he wanted something done that day, all us attendees would have joined forces to get shit done. This is the best way I can describe Hunter Drew's energy. Imagine a small boy who is eager to take on the world. When he says hi to you, you can't help but be happy and excited too. Now imagine if you could mature that boy into a man while maintaining that energy. That would be Hunter. His energy is infectious. His most popular post, Creating Your Slut, covers all you need to be a Red Pill Father, Husband, Man. This man is a role model for all men who would want to get married someday. He knows how to game his wife, he knows how to get shit done, he knows how to be a dad. He may not have all the answers, but he has that irrational confidence to find the answer.
"Ego is your sense of separateness from the universe"
Ivan Throne is also known as Dark Triad Man. He has studied KoryÅ« and understands Eastern philosophy. He understands the Way and the warrior spirit. I think it's another way of saying he understands his body and his instinct, that unconscious part of the brain that is in tune with nature. Being a Dark Triad Man, he understands the darker side of reality. The side we don't really think about because we live in a bubble. Oh, did I mention he is profoundly deaf (90 db hearing loss)? If you want to understand how he dealt with it as a kid, read this post, The Dying Child. It is one of the most powerful openings to a book I have read. In addition, his Nine Laws book is excellent but requires time to digest (I'll get to a book review after I'm done digesting).
"Allow your wounds become your work"
Richard Cooper speech was like his videos (Entrepreneurs in Cars). Short, sweet, and to the point. He has a calm confidence as well that I like. I have a calm personality, so I like seeing similar calm demeanors who are successful. "Allow your wounds become your work" is an empowering message. He suffered burns as a kid and learned how do deal with the self-esteem issues due to the scars. Go ahead and watch this video. Him and Ivan had to deal with shit growing up. Yet here they are today as men.

I will close by talking about what I saw in Anthony. This man was a machine all week. He barely slept. In terms of food, I'm pretty sure it was just beef jerky and adrenaline that got him through. By the end of the event, his eyes were nearly bloodshot and his immune system was done. Can you spend a week of your life devoting yourself to one thing? Do you have it in you to push your body to the limit to get something done? Can you do all this and give a keynote address in front of a hundred people while standing for 3 hours straight? That's why I have no doubt Anthony will be successful in his next venture.

I want to thank Anthony for taking the time to talk with me 1 on 1. I want to thank Socrates for opening up about his father with me and how he learned to reconcile the disappointments he had in his father. I want to thank Rollo for devoting so much time answering questions. I mean this in a playful way, he was surround by orbiters the entire time. He was the hot chick.

I want to thank Hunter for giving me an action plan on having a chat with my own father. I want to thank Ivan for being my wingman. It only looked like Ivan was doing magic because he understands and knows how to use body language. Both Hunter and Ivan were so approachable and generous with their time. Married men role models.

I want to thank Goldmund for the necklace (go check out his stuff Masculine Accessories). Whenever I wear that necklace, I think about getting out of my head, observing the world, and teasing each girl like you would your little sis. And also, thank you Goldmund for demonstrating one of the fastest pulls I have ever seen. I remember seeing him chatting with a girl at the bar (while surrounded by dozens of male attendees). The way the two were chatting, I knew she was putty in his arms. A couple minutes later I'm chatting with him outside about that encounter. Next thing I know she's dragging him away. Bravo sir.

Masculine Accessories

I want to thank Eric Von Sydow for taking time to listen to me during lunch and give me advice. Be playful and find opportunities to stick innuendos (non-sexual) in conversations with women. Women pick up when you've actually mastered this playful art and fully internalize it. I want to thank Tanner Guzy for introducing a whole new wardrobe I never considered before (the world of linen). And to make me aware of what a proper yoke width is. I want to thank George Bruno for finally showing me what a real haircut should be.

I'm also going to give a shoutout to a mentor in my life. He is a boss just like these men. He dresses well. He understands women and relationships. He understands business. My brotha from another motha. I have learned a ton being with him and am beyond grateful he has taken me under his wing. Funny enough, if Trump didn't get elected I never would have met him. So, I also have to thank Trump for helping my life. Guys, find a mentor near you. Remember the importance of the wisdom of the elders.

Finally, all these speakers had a similar message. Men must act. Take ownership of your life and build something that will last. Acta non verba.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Need for Fathers, Older Brothers, Mentors

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

I was in Warsaw the other day and visited Poland's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Countless numbers of unknown soldiers and unknown men have built and defended civilization. The comfortable lives we live come thanks to the sacrifices of these unknown warriors.

Masculine energy tames the unforgiving chaos of the wilderness. This energy wrestles with nature and molds an island of calm and serenity for humanity to blossom. It is the anchor, the foundation, the lighthouse to shine a path for others to follow. That is why fathers, older brothers, and male mentors are so vital. The wisdom they have brings stability. We clearly see the effects of a world without this calming presence.

The lack of a father figure affects all regardless of gender, race, religion, etc. Without that masculine buffer, the wilderness has free reign on children. Fears are exploited and the animalistic fight of flight instinct is cranked to overdrive. We see how this instinct affects women. They become feminists.

For the feminist, two patterns emerge. One is an overwhelming fear of men. All problems are due to the patriarchy because daddy wasn't there. Any male attention is viewed as sexual assault. The male presence is raping them. If the male boogeyman is destroyed, all problems will go away. Ironically, the feminists are just accelerating and worsening the problem by continuing to assault the male foundation. 

The second pattern can be described as the thousand cock stare. It is another extreme response to a lack of father stability. Like living check to check, survival is living cock to cock hoping the next scratch-off (more like jerk-off) lottery ticket is the father they never had. No father figure means no reference point in determining what is a good man. Because these women have no reference point, the wilderness beasts of bad boys have free reign to exploit them. Hope is drained from their eyes. The presence of a father brings balance to the system. Unstable systems accelerate and spin out of control.

We also see the effects of no father figure in the black community. The wilderness turns black kids into thugs. Drugs and violence are how problems are settled. Even worse, race baiters have convinced them that strong male authority figures (like the police), are not to be trusted. Without a father's guidance, kids are duped and exploited. Asking a child to go from 0 to 1 and produce something of value out of nothing is a nearly impossible high bar to set. Hope is drained from their eyes.

I see the lack of a father figure playing out it myself. I can feel the fear and anxiety due to a lack of a foundation. I have a hyper-sensitivity to uncertainty which manifests in various ways such as procrastination, analysis paralysis, and the mental freeze like a deer in headlights. I went through a depression/anger phase. I remember the feeling of uselessness and caring about nothing. And I was easy to exploit. With a steady diet of fear from the mainstream media, I embraced the fantasy of communism and feminism. I was a good beta soldier tricked into believing I was saving humanity from the patriarchy and capitalism. Thanks to the internet, I found male mentors and read wisdom from fatherly figures. I'm slowly unlearning the toxic material of the past.

The most important lesson a father can give their kids is confidence in their abilities. A father doesn't need to have all the answers. In fact, spoiling kids with all the answers does not help them prepare for the wilderness. It just makes them entitled babies. A father needs to demonstrate that he has the ability to problem solve and come up with creative solutions. And he needs to develop this ability in his children and provide enough stability so they are not overwhelmed. That way, instead of the animalistic instinct winning, the kid can develop an "I got this. I can figure this out" problem solving, logical mindset.

The fathers of the world allow humanity to go from 1 to 2. They allow kids to build on top of the existing civilization. It is much easier to go from 1 to 2 than it is to go from 0 to 1. Momentum is easier to maintain than it is to start. Building on a solid foundation lasts much longer than building on quick sand. If kids are left to fend for themselves, suddenly Lord of the Flies becomes reality rather than fiction.

Monday, September 4, 2017

James Damore, Population Distributions, and DACA

This post was inspired by Vox Day's book: Cuckservative: How "Conservatives" Betrayed America

Cuckservative is a Must Read

Fate it would seem led me to read Vox Day's book right when God Emperor Trump announced plans to end DACA (also known as The Dreamer's Program). The book explains the dangers of mass immigration from an economic, historical, and theological perspective. I cannot recommend this book enough to get a thorough understanding of how immigration policy has a lasting impact on a nation.

I mentioned in a previous post that I see immigration the same way I see titration in Chemistry.

The immigration of one solution to another

In a titration, the effects from one solution to another are not readily apparent.
A slow drip introduction of migrants is not noticeable at first. But with enough time, you end up dramatically changing the country to the point where you don't even recognize your own country. A culture and a country is determined by the individuals in the country. If you completely replace the individuals, you completely replace the country.

Human Biodiversity

Cuckservative got me thinking about James Damore and Google. You can read about James Damore's Google Manifesto here: Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber. What is funny/sad about the criticisms of the manifesto are that many of the critics have a poor/nonexistent understanding of statistics. They view the world in a binary fashion and cannot see distributions of people. If you do not understand averages, normal distribution, and standard deviation (basic statistics) please turn away now.

James talks about how biological differences between men and women lead to different population distributions and outcomes in tech. The same ideas of biological differences and population distributions can be applied to societies around the world. One topic Vox Day discusses in Cuckservative is human biodiversity.

Different races have different physical features. Some of the most apparent are melanin and skin tone. There are also subtle differences in bone density, limb length, and musculature makeup. Based on this information, is it any surprise then that certain nations seem to dominate particular sports in the Olympics?

Now we get into more controversial topics of biodiversity. There are differences in intelligence and in aggression among races. There is a strong correlation with intelligence and income. Monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA) is known as the "warrior gene". The level of expression of this gene determines the level of aggression in response to provocation and this level of expression differences among races.

Higher levels of aggression were also associated with violence and crime. Now think about some stereotypes, crime statistics, income distributions and you can see why this is a controversial topic. In addition, these differences explain how different cultures resolve conflict. Some resolve through words, some resolve through fists and guns. Our US foreign policy has a misguided belief in egalitarianism. After all, we are all equal right? The "experts" believe all cultures should resolve differences the same way. And that is why our foreign policy is a mess.

These differences blow apart the narrative that differences in outcome among races is due to nurture and not nature. A very under-reported piece of legislation is the 1965 Immigration Act. This law removed quotas based on national and thus removed racial barriers of entry to the US. As a result, predominantly European immigrants were replaced with non-European immigrants. Egalitarianism often has the misguided assumption that migrants from one nation can replace existing citizens with no unintended consequences. If human biodiversity has taught us anything, populations are very much not equal and have very drastic differences in outcome.

Pick up Vox Day's book to learn more about the unintended consequences. Once you read this book, you begin to understand why Trump is so popular with his stricter stances on immigration.

Entrepreneurs and IQ

I am paraphrasing Jordan Peterson, but he has mentioned that the correlation between IQ and income is so strong, it can't be ignored. In other words, if we're going to have an honest conversation about anything related to population income, we need to factor in intelligence. I was looking up data for correlations between IQ and income and found this post: The incredible correlation between IQ & income. One chart that struck out immediately was a near perfect correlation between average IQ and median financial success in terms of a normalized Z score.

 Average IQ on the Y axis, median financial success on the X axis as normalized Z scores

Simply put, a normalized Z score is a standard deviation. 1 standard deviation of IQ is enough to be in the 2 standard deviation income range. The 85th percentile in intelligence (IQ ~115) can have the 98th percentile of wealth (be among the top 2%). 

Standard Deviations and Z scores

Roughly speaking, Pareto distribution tells us that 80% of the population will be the workers while 20% will be the entrepreneurs who hire the workers. Simple economics tells us that if you increase the supply of workers without increasing the demand for workers (entrepreneurs hiring workers), wages will go down. It will cost less to hire a worker because there is a surplus of workers.

Apply that to immigration. Are the immigration policies discriminatory enough to distinguish between people who will create jobs vs people who will take jobs? We have seen strong evidence that a certain level of intelligence is needed for entrepreneurship. Here is a list of countries by average IQ

Hong Kong 108
Singapore 108
China 105
Mexico 88
Iraq 87
Syria 83
Algeria 83
El Salvador 80

Is it no surprise that countries with higher average IQs have more business opportunities and stronger economies? The smart entrepreneurs drive the production. In the past, the US Army had IQ tests to restrict entry to the army if IQ was less than 83. It was determined at that point, it cost too much to teach the person to obey orders and be an able-bodied functioning member of the US military. What percentage of people from Latin America and the Middle East will be entrepreneurs and create jobs? How many will be workers taking jobs away? Even worse, how many will be productive members of society?

Asians and Jews for thousands of years emphasized education. Stefan Molyneux talked about race and IQ on one of his shows. He brought up the point that Jews could increase the IQ of a generation by a third of an IQ point. Continue to do this over thousands of years and the results are apparent for both Asians and Jews.

Even if you imported only high IQ people, guess how Asians and Jews vote? The mentality of FU to authority (see Magna Carta and Henry VIII) and is a rather English phenomenon.

2016 Exit Polls

Immigration must be tightly controlled to maintain the health of a nation. Different cultures have different values. If an immigrant refuses to adopt the cultures of the host country, conflict is inevitable if the cultures are not compatible. As much as we would like to believe culture is a social construct, genetic expressions of personality traits disagree. "Genes hold culture on a leash"

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Life Metaphors from Physics and Chemistry Visualized

This post was inspired by Ed Latimore's post: My favorite metaphors from math and physics

I'm going to take Ed's examples one step further and visualize some of my favorite lessons from physics and chemistry and how they apply to life.

Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle is also known as the 80/20 rule. To summarize this principle: 80% of your results comes from 20% of your inputs. Apply this to economics, 80% of the income is concentrated with 20% of the population. A few people hold most of the wealth.  The distribution is a Power Law Distribution shown below.

Power Law Distribution

This graph can be found everywhere. 20% men are having 80% of the sex. 80% of fitness results comes from 3 simple rules: Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep. Supplements would be addressing the 20% part of fitness results. 20% of your clients will give you 80% of your revenue.

To go more scientifically, Newton's law of universal gravitation follows this graph. The further away from Earth you go, the less gravitational pull you feel. This also applies to Boyle's law. For an ideal gas inside a container, as the volume of the container decreases, pressure increases. The Power Law is such a widespread phenomenon that you should immediately think about it in all the decisions you make. Knowing what effort belongs in that 20% and focusing your energy towards those efforts will yield tremendous results.

Acceleration and Gravity

As mentioned before, Newton's law of universal gravitation follows the Power Law. You can rotate and flip the graph make the effects of gravity more apparent.

Gravity is a force when applied to a mass produces acceleration. The effects of acceleration are not very perceptible at first. The object does not fall much. But as time goes on, the object moves quicker and falls farther.

Going back to the Pareto Principle, addressing an issue within the first "20%" time-frame window prevents the problem from snowballing. Human development takes 18 years. The first 20% has the biggest impact on how the child grows up. Your health can rapidly deteriorate later in life if you don't address issues early on. 

Here's a mind blogging concept. The green dot represents what would happen if you removed gravity. Stopping acceleration does not stop the falling! You have to generate a force greater than gravity to reverse the trend. Depending on when you reverse the trend determines how little or how much ground you have to recover. Trying to turn your health around later on in life is much tougher because you have so much ground to make up. Deep down you know what you need to work on. The longer you wait, the harder it gets. Slay the dragons while they are little!

State Changes

Question: Is water a solid or a liquid at 32 degrees? The answer is... both! Take an ice cube and start applying heat to it. As shown below, the temperature of the ice cube will start to increase over time. Once the ice hits 32 degrees, you enter the first red line.

State Changes

At this point, the ice cube does not change in temperature. Simply put, the heat is being used to break the bonds holding water molecules together. This causes the ice to melt. Once the ice has completely melted, the added heat will cause the temperature to rise. Same thing applies to boiling water.

There are times in your growth where you feel like you've stalled or hit a plateau. This is normal. You are transitioning from one state to another. Maintain the effort. If the plateau remains, investigate what is holding you back. See how you can break those bonds. There might be some friction (this will be covered later on) that may require an extra push to breakthrough.


Chemistry was my favorite high school subject. Maybe because it is the closest thing to magic. To an extent, chemistry allows you to change and transform matter. Plus explosions are always cool to create. Visualize a mad scientist with the lab coat and googles. Imagine beakers with different color solutions. Dexter's Laboratory! That is fantasized chemistry. 

Titration is used to determine the concentration of a solution. Acid-base titration is the most commonly known form. For example, you slowly drip your unknown base into an acid. Simply put, when an acid comes in contact with a base, you get some kind of salt and water.


On the left side of the curve, adding base does not change the pH much. Because there is plenty of acid to counter the base. At some point, you run out of acid and you get the vertical line. Now adding more base rapidly changes the pH until you reach the pH of the base.

Often times, life comes in spurts. Puberty is a big example of rapid changes. A small consistent change over time can lead to dramatic results. Ed is a great example of this. He put in the consistent work. He has now entered his breakthrough phase.

You can also apply this titration concept to the migrant crisis. A slow drip introduction of migrants is not noticeable at first. But with enough time, you end up dramatically changing the country to the point where you don't even recognize your own country. A culture and a country is determined by the individuals in the country. If you completely replace the individuals, you completely replace the country.


Not sure if Ed saved the best for last, but I'll visualize his piece about inertia. This is from his post:
"Whether you are at rest or in motion, you want to stay that way. If you aren’t doing shit, you want to continue being lazy. If you’re killing it in life, you don’t want to slow down. The only thing that over comes inertia is force."

This curve illustrates force needed to move an object. As you apply more force on an object at rest, at some point, it will start moving. The vertical line is the point where the object starts moving. This is the important part. Once an object starts moving, you don't need as much force to keep it moving. 

Once you start killing it in life, it becomes easier to maintain that momentum compared to when you first start out. Once your efforts pass through the breakthrough point, it requires less effort to keep moving forward.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

How to Slay Your Dragons

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'

This post was inspired by Ed Latimore. Check out his 30 for 30: 30 Lessons From 30 Years of Life.

In his post, he saved the last lesson for the one that had the greatest impact on his life. It has a similar impact for me. "You only need 2 years to change any part of your life you are unsatisfied with." Depending on how old you are, 2 years is either a really long time or a really short time. It's a matter a perspective. For those nearing 30 (waves hand), 2 years is very quick. One minute you're out of college, and the next your 20s have flown by you.

In the movie Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne spent 16.9 years of his life digging out of prison. Based on the math, he averaged 1/64" a day. It's a matter of perspective whether you believe that amount is insignificant. If you start with $1000 and invest $100 a week for 40 years, you'd be a millionaire assuming 7% interest. One hundred dollars seems insignificant compared to a million, but it adds up. A fraction of a inch of progress a day is the difference between someone stuck in prison and a free man (metaphorically).

We are all stuck in some mental prison. For some, they wait for the miracle wall-smasher that will instantly destroy the walls holding them back. This big divide between fantasy and reality can lead to major anger and resentment. For some, they see other inmates tunnels far ahead of theirs. They fall into the trap of comparing themselves to others. And then they give up because they are not where they "think" they should be. They fail to see the amount of time it took digging that tunnel. Another possibility, they don't realize their wall is not as thick as the other inmates and freedom is very attainable for them. Each mental prison varies.

Jordan Peterson talks about how he helps his patients in his clinical psychology work. He tries to inspire the hero out of them. This idea comes from Carl Jung and the Hero's Journey.
He is no hero who never met the dragon, or who, if he once saw it, declared afterwards that he saw nothing. Equally, only one who has risked the fight with the dragon and is not overcome by it wins the hoard, the “treasure hard to attain.”
Now with Dr. Peterson's patients, they are dealing with massive mental dragons. These are crippling, paralyzing dragons. And he helps his patients break down the big dragon into smaller pieces. He gets the patient to break down the piece as small as necessary so that the patient can make a step of progress. Remember even if it is just a fraction of an inch of progress, it adds up.

This is the hero's journey. To face your dragons and whittle it down for as long as it takes. In our gut, we can feel the dragons lurking inside of us. The Big 3 for me are fitness, women, and career. I have a feeling many men feel the same way. The successful people have the ability to break down their dragons into manageable pieces. The successful people embrace the suck and tackle those pieces for as long as necessary. The successful people have the ability to audit their progress and make the necessary corrections as needed. Check out Scott Adam's post about Goals vs. Systems and create a system that works for you.

Slay your dragons, win the treasure.